Thursday, March 4

Made it though the storm

Okay I have heard that there are actually people out there in the world that care about what I am doing. This blog is to all of you, I do apologize I don't always realize or even think that you exist. I know right now your thinking what is she kidding. Don't get me wrong I do love myself I am a great person with a beautiful heart and it seems as if people find me attractive ( i do sometimes too we all have our good days). It's just hard for me to imagine that people actually care about me and this issue is directly related to my relationship with my mother. I know I know get over it already, right? Trust me I am trying I wish more than anything I could just get past that block my life would be totally different if I did.

Okay on to what has been going on with me stay tuned okay thank you very much. Also anyone want to call me call 8183085568 have a great day

love temptress

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great going! Keep them coming. You will see how great/healing it is to keep a journal of your thoughts, processing, memories, and such. Plus there really is a lot of people that care :-)